Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Watch Summer Movies With Us, Bitchez!

This is your Secretary typing. I am temporarily wresting control of the LEMC blog to share with you all my super fantastic and exciting ideas for Summer 2007 Lazy Eye Movie Club Activities.

First, a spin-off club: LEMC Dining Club. The idea is that we'll pick a different world cuisine (Chinese, crappy diner, heart attack, Yiddish, Peruvian, fake-Japanese) and dine out together once a month or so. Afterwards, we'll compare notes over drinks. There will be a complicated and boring voting system that no one will enjoy but me by which we'll pick each new restaurant. I will hound anyone who shows any interest whatsoever into attending every outing.

Second, a bowling/mini-golf/go-kart/roller-skating outing. This won't have to be a spin-off. It'll just be another organized activity that I'll try to force as many of you as I can to come along with me. In the end, I'll probably end up going alone, or with the Madame President, who's legally obligated to hang out with me when I do stupid sh*t.

And Game Nights. We need to have some serious Taboo, Clue, Boggle, and Balderdash marathons. Keep your eye out for these. I will stuff inboxes with pathetic demands that you all play soon.

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