Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Monster Movie & Its Discontents

Our next theme, Monster Movies, opens up to us a vast and rich field of films -- from The Mummy to Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster to Alien to Nosferatu to Gremlins 2. (Happily, many of these movies do in fact lend themselves quite readily to Marxist critiques.) Also, our new theme brings the club full circle: recall that we began in January of 2006 with the original King Kong (1933). (Everything has been pretty much downhill since.)

You all have a while to come up with your three picks for our next meeting, but here are some lists of greatest monster movies ever to help you out:

Also worth checking out: some opinions on the psychological appeal of monster/horror movies.

See you in May!

The Monster Mash

Muchas gracias to Neil and Rachel for hosting the Lazy Eye with a St. Patty's Day twist. We loved the frog cookies. A good time was had by all, especially those who got to dance in Beaumont!

Management is happy to announce that our next movie will be Hoosiers (1986), and that, after a caucus-like vote, our next theme will be Movies with Monsters! Looks like the next meeting will be in early May, so stay tuned for details. Until then, we leave you with last night's movie suggestions:

Sun: The Cutting Edge, **Hoosiers**, Bring It On. Theme: Movies with animals.

JJ: Slapstick Slapshot, Cinderella Man, Strange Brew. Theme: Movies that start with the letter C.

George: Vision Quest, Murderball, Touching the Void, Prefontaine. Theme: Australian movies.

Kelly: The King of Kong, Chariots of Fire, Personal Best. Theme: European conflicts.

Rachel: Bang the Drum Slowly, Remember the Titans, Chariots of Fire. Theme: Movies about LA.

Neil: Side Out, American Flyers, Rollerball (the original). Theme: Movies about LA.

Andres: Raging Bull, Caddyshack, Bull Durham. Theme: Do you like movies about GLADIATORS?

Leila: Bring It On, Slapshot, Bang the Drum Slowly. Theme: Movies about animals.

Ron: Olympia, Angst des Tormanns Beim Elfmeter Die (The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick), Rollerball, Dogtown + Z-Boys. Theme: Movies that lend themselves to Marxist critiques.

Chan: Spellbound (the spelling bee movie), Caddyshack, The Big Lebowski. Theme: **Movies with monsters**.