Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Watch Summer Movies With Us, Bitchez!

This is your Secretary typing. I am temporarily wresting control of the LEMC blog to share with you all my super fantastic and exciting ideas for Summer 2007 Lazy Eye Movie Club Activities.

First, a spin-off club: LEMC Dining Club. The idea is that we'll pick a different world cuisine (Chinese, crappy diner, heart attack, Yiddish, Peruvian, fake-Japanese) and dine out together once a month or so. Afterwards, we'll compare notes over drinks. There will be a complicated and boring voting system that no one will enjoy but me by which we'll pick each new restaurant. I will hound anyone who shows any interest whatsoever into attending every outing.

Second, a bowling/mini-golf/go-kart/roller-skating outing. This won't have to be a spin-off. It'll just be another organized activity that I'll try to force as many of you as I can to come along with me. In the end, I'll probably end up going alone, or with the Madame President, who's legally obligated to hang out with me when I do stupid sh*t.

And Game Nights. We need to have some serious Taboo, Clue, Boggle, and Balderdash marathons. Keep your eye out for these. I will stuff inboxes with pathetic demands that you all play soon.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Bastille Day with Gidget

What better way to spend Bastille Day than watching Gidget (1959), the girl midget, outdoors with the wind blowing through the palm trees? Bring your berets, baguettes and bad attitude.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!