Sunday, November 21, 2010

From the Proceedings of the Lazy Eye Film Society, Fall 2010

The poutine was steaming, the smoked meat was wicked tasty, a two-four of Labatt's was in the fridge, and the Chesterfield was extra comfy. Many thanks to Emma and Paul for a beauty of a movie night hosting job. Way to go, eh?

So we watched PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES. Reviews for the movie were somewhat mixed, though we all agreed that John Hughes's musical choices in the film were clearly beyond reproach.

After the movie, while munching on Emma's delicious nanaimo bars, we voted. The theme for this month's selections was Revenge of the Nerds. Here are the selections:

Emma & Paul:
1. **Spellbound** (winning movie)
2. Tron
3. Army of Darkness
Theme: Springtime

1. Pretty in Pink
2. Philadelphia Story
3. Frankenstein
Theme: Film Noir

1. Trekkies
2. The Nutty Professor
3. Carrie
Theme: **Bizarre Shit!** (co-winning theme)

1. Ghostbusters
2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
3. Akira
4. Crumb
Theme: **RomCom** (co-winning theme)

Chan N.
1. Spellbound
2. Office Space
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Theme: Black Comedy

1. The Social Network
2. Real Genius
3. Dumb and Dumber
Theme: Dogs

1. Real Genius
2. Back to the Future
3. 2001
Theme: Bad Weather
So our movie for next time will be SPELLBOUND, the documentary about the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Because we had a tie on the voting for our theme, the theme for next time's selections will be a combination theme: RomComs (romantic comedies) featuring Bizarre Shit!

We'll probably have our next meeting in early January. Our meeting in January will mark our fifth-year anniversary. Most relationships don't last that long, so, congratulations, everyone!
